Micro Combi

Product Characteristics:
Acidic fertilizer manufactured with the purest raw materials.
One of the Highest percentages of Microelements.
Fast dissolving and fully water soluble.
Preventing and curing micronutrients deficiency in plants.
Essential for chlorophyll formation which is necessary for photosynthesis and enzyme formation.
Increase shelf life for fruits and improves their characteristics.
Citric acid and Sulfur ensure the optimum uptake of the micronutrients in the roots and leaves.
Can be applied for both foliar spray and fertigation injection.
Improves plant vitality and production.
Microelements within the product enable to synergism the macroelements.
Application Rates:
Soil Applications:
Field Crops: 1.5-3 kg/ha/appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Open field vegetables: 1.5-3 kg/ha/appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Fruiting tree: 1.3-3 Kg/ha (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Green houses: 1.25-1.5 Kg /1000 m2 (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Ornamentals (Flowering plants): 1-1.5 gm/L/week.
Grapes: 1.3-3 Kg/ha (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Foliar Applications:
Field Crops: 0.5-1.5 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Open field vegetables: 0.5-1.5 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Fruit trees: 0.5-1.5 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Green houses: 0.5-1.5 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Flowering plants: 0.5-1 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Grapes: 0.5-1.5 gm / L / appl. (According to curing or preventive microelements deficiency).
Can be mixed with all fertilizers except Calcium products (Mixing test with the pesticides is recommended).
1,5,25 kg net weight.
Water Soluble Iron (Fe)
7.5 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
11.5 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)
6.5 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Copper (Cu)
1 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Boron (B)
1 % (w/w)
Sulfur (S)
13.7 % (w/w)
Citric acid
10 % (w/w)
Physical Properties
pH (1g/100ml at 25 ˚C)
< 3
EC mS /cm (1g/L at 25 ˚C)
Solubility (g/L at 25 ˚C)