NPK Solutions

Low Chloride, Sodium content With its minimum percentage of Sodium, chloride, heavy metals, and low salt index is an ideal nutrient, especially for crops sensitive to these elements, and an intensive cropping system.
High dissolution rate Features high dissolution rate compared to other SOP products, to ensure the optimum plant uptake.
High Potassium,Sulfur Content Is a fine white powder, a highly concentrate nutrient fertilizer with 51% K2O and 18.5% S as sulfate, which makes it a premium source for the required nutrition suitable for all crops.
Suitable for alkaline soils Acts on a broad spectrum, ensuring equal performance in alkaline soils.
Sulfate of Potash, commonly known as SOP, is a premium potassium fertilizer. It is highly valued for its low chloride content, making it ideal for crops sensitive to chloride, for some fruits, and vegetables
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NPK Solutions
NPK Solutions

Low EC fertilizers Low EC fertilizers
Fully water soluble Fast dissolving and fully water soluble.
Dust Free, Homogenous Dust Free, Homogenous, Free Flowing, No segregation and Easy Handle.
Low chloride & harmful elements OSIR N.FERT NPK is virtually free from chloride and other harmful elements for plant.
NPK fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that provides three essential nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are crucial for plant growth and development.
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OSIR Micro Combi

Acidic water soluble fertilizer Acidic fertilizer manufactured with the purest raw materials
The highest microelements content One of the Highest percentages of Microelements
Prevents micronutrients deficiency Preventing and curing micronutrients deficiency in plants
Applied by foliar & fertigation injection Can be applied for both foliar spray and fertigation injection
Osir Micro Combi is a fertilizer for preventing and curing microelements deficiency.
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OSIR Combi Plus

EDTA Chelated elements plus Magnesium. Completely chelated on EDTA chelating material, which maintains the highest chelating stability.
High quality components High–quality component which manufactured with the purest raw materials.
Suitable for all crops Is a mixture of chelated elements that is completely homogeneous in terms of color, density and chelating agent, and suitable for all crops.
Cost-effective, improves yield. Offers a high-quality, cost-effective solution for safeguarding and optimizing both yield and quality of crops.
COMBI Plus fertilizer is a blend of essential micronutrients designed to address deficiencies in plants.
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Special Fertilizers
Special Fertilizer
OSIR Flowering

Unique Boron & Molybdenum content A Boron, Molybdenum unique powder component with Zinc and Magnesium.
Used for flowering & fruit setting Used to correct the problems in pollen formation and pollination that led to high fruit setting.
Applied by both foliar & fertigation Applied by both foliar & fertigation
High content of Zinc & Magnesium A high Zinc content that activate tryptophane in the oval which prevent the fruit drop.
Osir Flowering is an active product for flowering and fruit setting, plus rising up the
sugar content in fruits.
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Special Fertilizer

Highest content of Zinc & Manganese Citrus is an acidic microelements fertilizer contains the highest concentration of microelements and manufactured with the purest raw materials.
Zinc improves pollination & fertilization Zinc plays a vital role for improving pollination and fertilization processes in Citrus trees. This leads to increased Citrus productivity and fruits quality when using Osir Combi - Citrus.
Manganese improves respiration & protein synthesis Manganese in Osir Combi - Citrus is involved in the composition of many important enzymes that participate in oxidation-reduction reactions. These reactions are crucial for improving respiration and protein synthesis within the plant.
Applied by both foliar & fertigation Applied by both foliar & fertigation
Osir Combi Citrus is a specialized product for citrus plantation, designed for preventing
and curing deficiencies of essential elements required by citrus plants.
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Special Fertilizer

Soil Desalination powder Soil Desalination crystalline powder that are fully soluble in water.
High Calcium, Carboxylic acid Contains additives, Carboxylic Acid and a unique Calcium source which necessary for most of the biological activities of soils.
For Calcareous & sodic soils Recommended for Saline and Sodic soils
Free from harmful elements Totally free from harmful elements to the plants and soils
Osir Sal is a specialized product for neutralization of Sodium toxicity and complexation of Calcium ions and mitigation of salinity stress in all plants.
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Special Fertilizer

Enhances size, color & fruit brix Improves fruit quality in terms of color, size, firmness, and increases the sugar percent in record time.
Best corrector for Potassium deficiency Fast and effective preventor and corrector for potassium deficiency especially in the critical stages of plant growth as it enters rapidly once it absorbed to the active centers of plant growth (vegetative and fruiting).
Free from harmful elements A safe product and free from Chloride, Sulfate and Sodium. It is non-carcinogenic product.
Has an efficient elements (Zn, Mn&B) A special balanced of Potassium, Zinc, Manganese and Boron, that accelerate the efficiency of uptake.
Osir K is a Potassium carboxylate compound enhances fruit quality and yield in all
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Special Fertilizer

Acidification of alkaline soils A liquid product that specializes in lowering the soil pH as it contains a high percentage of dissolved Sulfur which transforms to Sulfuric acid that reducing the soil pH (acidification effect).
Activates beneficial microorganisms Facilities nutrients (Macro/Microelements) up-take for plants due to Sulfur that activate beneficial microorganisms in soil.
Breaks soil Calcium Carbonate bonds Is a desalination product by breaking Calcium carbonate bond led to increase Calcium uptake.
Only for fertigation systems Only for fertigation systems
Osir Calci Sal is a product specifically manufactured for desalination of calcareous soils and neutralizing the alkaline soils.
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Special Fertilizer

Improves soil properties & structure Improves the soil properties and develops the beneficial soil microorganisms activity.
Increases water holding capacity Increases the water holding capacity (WHC) of the soil.
High organic matter (OM) content High organic matter (OM) content
Has a lower pH degree Has a lower pH degree
Osir Vita is a product that enhances beneficial microorganisms, corrects soil structure, and improves root growth.
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Special Fertilizer

Potassium Phosphite liquid fertilizer A Systematic liquid fertilizer which contains adequate amount of Phosphite and Potassium.
Stimulates plant immune system Stimulates the plant immune system (Resistance Acquired System) which increases the plant ability to resist lethal fungs (omycis fungs).
Creates plant polysaccharides Motivates plant cells to create Phytoalexin which attack pathogens and destroy it (immunization effect), it works also for creating Polysaccharides which enhance the cell wall thickness and the plant immune system.
Improves fruit quality & quantity Has Potassium which increases brix level in fruit, improves fruit color and quality, also increases the shelf-life period.
Osir Phos K is systematic liquid fertilizer for increasing plant immune system by
secreting plant phytoalexins and polysaccharides. It also improves fruit characteristics.
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Hydrochloric Acid

Appearance Yellow solution Appearance Yellow solution
Concentration Min 30% (w/w) Concentration Min 30% (w/w)
Density (gm/cm³) at 25°c : 1.15 Density (gm/cm³) at 25°c : 1.15
Hydrochloric acid (HCl), also known as muriatic acid, is a strong yellow acid with a pungent smell. It is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas.
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