Combi Citrus

Product Characteristics:
Zinc and Manganese deficiencies are much more common in Citrus trees than Iron. Zinc and Manganese deficiency may actually mask another. So, Osir Combi - Citrus is containing a high Concentration of Zinc and Manganese.
Zinc is an essential element for Citrus, that formation of tryptophan, an amino acid that converts into auxin, this means that using Osir Combi - Citrus contributes to stimulating consistent and healthy plant growth.
Zinc plays a vital role for improving pollination and fertilization processes in Citrus trees. This leads to increased Citrus productivity and fruits quality when using Osir Combi - Citrus.
Manganese in Osir Combi - Citrus is involved in the composition of many important enzymes that participate in oxidation-reduction reactions. These reactions are crucial for improving respiration and protein synthesis within the plant.
Is an acidic microelements fertilizer contains the highest concentration of microelements and manufactured with the purest raw materials.
Dissolves rapidly and completely in water, ensuring quick and efficient absorption.
Ensures optimal absorption of microelements by both roots and leaves, thanks to its citric acid and sulfur contents.
Application Rates:
Foliar Applications:
Vegetables & Agronomist crops: 50- 75 gm/100 L.
All trees: 100 - 150 gm/100 L.
Soil Applications (Injection):
Vegetables & Agronomist crops: 1- 1.5 kg/Feddan.
All Tress: 1.5-2 kg/Feddan.
Osir Combi - Citrus can be mixed with all fertilizers except Calcium products (Mixing test with the Pesticides is recommended).
1 and 5 kg net weight.
Water soluble Iron (Fe)
2.5 % (w/w)
Water soluble Zinc (Zn)
11.5 % (w/w)
Water soluble Manganese (Mn)
11.5% (w/w)
Water soluble Copper (Cu)
1 % (w/w)
Water soluble Boron (B)
0.5 % (w/w)
Sulfur (S)
14.2% (w/w)
Citric acid
10% (w/w)