
Product Characteristics:
A Boron, Molybdenum unique powder component with Zinc and Magnesium.
A corrector and preventer component for some important elements deficiency (B/Mo/Zn/Mg).
Used to correct the problems in pollen formation and pollination that led to high fruit setting.
Very important for many trees and crops which sensitively to deficiency of Boron and Molybdenum (Grapes/Sugar Beet/Potatoes/Peanuts/Apple... etc.).
The presence of fully dissolved sulfur increases the activity of beneficial microorganisms in soil containing calcium.
Has a high Zinc content that activate tryptophane in the oval which prevent the fruit drop.
Has a high Molybdenum concentration that redacted NO3 to NH4, in plants which limiting the poisonal of Nitrate.
Application Rates:
Foliar Application:
15 - 25 gm/100 Liter water.
Soil Application:
0.8 - 1.2 kg/feddan.
Osir Flowering can be mixed with all fertilizers except Calcium products (Mixing test with the Pesticides is recommended).
250 g, 500 g and 1 kg net weight.
Water Soluble Boron (B)
4 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Molybdenum (Mo)
5 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
10 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Magnesium (MgO)
9.8 % (w/w)
Water Soluble Sulfur (S)
12.6 % (w/w)