
Product Characteristics:
A Unique Formula for obtaining Ideal Soil, Strong Roots and Clean Planting.
Improves the soil properties and develops the beneficial soil microorganisms activity.
Contributes a basic nutrients in the first stages of the plant growth.
Increases the water holding capacity (WHC) of the soil.
Helps in chelating the mineral ions especially in alkaline soils and improves the soil texture.
Has a strong ability on the seeds viability and germination.
Enhances rooting and root propagation.
Improves root system by enhancing cells division.
Increases the plant ability to nutrients external and internal absorption.
Affects positively the fruits quality, sugar content and shelf-life ability.
Protect the plant from many stress problems like high temperature, salinity and plant toxicity.
Application Rates:
Application rate intervalley every 3-4 weeks, according to plant kind and growth.
Foliar Applications:
Potatoes, alfalfa, beets, corn, peanuts and others:
Regular rates: 1- 2 Liters / feddan.
Seasonal and annual averages: 5-6 liters / feddan.
Soil Applications:
Fruit trees, Citrus, Olive, banana and grapes:
Regular rates: 3-4 Liters / feddan.
Seasonal and annual averages: 5-8 liters / feddan.
Vegetable crops, Strawberries and field crops:
Regular rates: 2-3 Liters / feddan.
Seasonal and annual averages: 3-5 liters / feddan.
Ornamental plants:
Regular rates: 1-2 Liters / feddan.
Seasonal and annual averages: 2-3 liters / feddan.
Osir Vita can be mixed with all fertilizers except Calcium products (Mixing test with the Pesticides is recommended).
Available in different capacities (1 liter, 5 liters, 20 liters).
Potassium (K₂O) (Source, Potassium Humate + Potassium Fulvate)
5.2 % (w/v)
Organic matter
40 % (w/v)
Physical Properties
5.5 ± 0.5
Brown liquid
1.25 g/cm³